SAATIchem Remove ER2 concentrated liquid stencil remover with degreaser
This is a high-grade emulsion remover concentrate. It’s a 1 to 35 liquid concentrate with a built-in degreaser. You dilute this 1 to 35 with water. The powerful built-in degreaser cuts through the oily residue left during ink removal to speed stencil breakdown and aid in mesh degreasing. This product is city drain safe.
Applications: Removes all stencil types. Liquid concentrate that includes powerful built-in degreaser
Dilute 1:35 by volume, or 1:25 by weight to provide full strength working solution for spray application. Very easy to dissolve and will not crystallize
Degreaser cuts through any greasy film left after ink removal and this ensures fast and efficient stencil removal.
Directions for use By volume, dissolve one part Saatichem ER2 2 in 35 parts water (1 to 35 by weight).