Saatitex PHU HR Universal Emulsion

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Regular price $30.87

SAATItex PHU-HR Emulsion

New Universal emulsion for use with solvent, waterbase and plastisol

  • All purpose solvent and water resistant photoemulsion
  • Red one part pure photopolymer emulsion with universal ink resistance
  • SBQ technology exposes 6x faster than typical two part emulsions
  • No Diazo Stains - Easy Reclaim
  • 42% solids and high viscosity for easy coating and good bridging on all mesh counts
  • Universally resistant, can be used with solvent based, UV, and water based inks, yet is easy to reclaim
  • Recommended for use with discharge inks as is, without using diazo or catalyst for stencil hardening


  • Keep in a cool area, emulsion breaks down faster in heat. Keeping emulsion in a fridge can help to give a slightly extended shelf life, however, emulsion that has gotten to the point of freezing will no longer work properly and must be replaced.
  • Keep emulsion lid on tight to prevent air and light leaks.
  • Gently mix the emulsion before each use to help extend the life.
  • Date your emulsion once opened and keep an extra container on hand, environmental factors such as temperature and humidity can cause emulsion to expire more quickly.


  • New Universal emulsion for all ink types
  • All purpose solvent and water resistant
  • Red one part pure photopolymer emulsion
  • 8x faster than typical two part emulsions
  • No Diazo Stains - Easy Reclaim
  • 42% solids and high viscosity for easy coating and good bridging on all mesh counts
  • Use with discharge inks as is, without using diazo or catalyst for stencil hardening

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