SCP 625 Ready to Use Emulsion Remover 
Premium Emulsion Remover, works with All Types of Emulsions & Capillary Films
Product Description
Fast acting Emulsion Remover and Degreaser, that effectively and safely removes all types of emulsions and capillary films.
It is environmentally safe and ready to use right out of the bottle. Built in de-greaser also eliminates an additional step and cost in the screen reclaiming cycle.
- Bio-degradable
- NO VOC's
- Non Hazardous and Drain Safe.
- NO Odor
- Non Flammable
- Works with all types of emulsions and capillary films.
- Built In de-greasers to leave you with a squeaky clean screen.
- Extra Strength may diluted with water, up to 1:2
Recommended Emulsions
All Types and Brands of Emulsions and Capillary Films
Step 1: Remove All Ink from the screen surface using ECO2770 Ink Degrader or ECO4400 On Press wipe.
Step 2: Spray or brush SCP 625 or "Diluted" SCP650 or SCP675 Emulsion Remover onto BOTH sides of the screen, allow to set for 30 seconds to maximum of 3 minutes for chemical to fully penetrate the emulsion surface.
Step 3: Using High Pressure Water, rinse away the emulsion stencil.
Step 4: Repeat, if needed to remove extra thick or post hardened areas of emulsion.
Step 5: Rinse Thoroughly
Insert Optional Step to avoid using Haze Remover: Spray ECO3000 Ink & Stain Remover onto both sides of screen and scrub in, let set 30 to 60 seconds and pressure wash off
Step 6: Spray Diluted SCP623 Screen Degreaser and brush into both sides of screen and Rinse thoroughly
Step 7: If needed apply SCP708 Haze Remover. (if you use optional ECO3000 you will seldom need to use Step 7 Haze remover.)
Appearance: Clear, colorless liquid
Odor: None
pH: 3.5
Flash Point: None
Specific Gravity: 1.10
Weight, per gallon: 9.2 lbs.
Stability: Stable
DOT Shipping: Non-hazardous