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FX Plush Base

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FX PLUSH BASE is specifically formulated to produce soft fashion textures that simulate chenille, velvet, flock, suede and other textured fabric finishes. Various textured and embossed surfaces can be produced by adjusting ink deposit and cure temperatures.



Use consistent, high-tensioned screen mesh and sharp edged squeegees for best print results. Recommended mesh counts can vary depending on particle size

For best HD results, use open mesh counts with 200 - 400 micron capillary film and print-flashprint. Use a heavy flood to fully fill the open areas of the stencil with ink then print with medium squeegee pressure

Heavier ink deposits will produce superior dimensional textured images. Lower ink deposits will produce a softer finish

Best results when printed directly onto fabric

Tintable with plastisol colorants. See Pigment Loading section for suggested starting tinting percentages. Reduce the amount of white colorant in the formula as specialty base will lighten the color

CHENILLE FORMULA: 85 grams Plush Base + 15 grams colorants. Use flat 86 t/in screen mesh or 86 t/in screen mesh with 200 micron capillary film. Ink can be printed directly onto fabric or over an under-print. Print-flash-print only. Cure ink at 320 F (160 C) entire film

FLOCK FORMULA: 85 grams Plush Base + 15 grams colorant. Use flat 156 t/in screen mesh or 156 t/in screen mesh with 150 micron capillary film. Ink can be printed directly onto fabric or over an under-print. Print-flash-print only. Cure ink at 320 F (160 C) entire film

SUEDE FORMULA: 85 grams Plush Base + 15 grams colorants. Use flat 250 t/in screen mesh, no capillary film. Ink can be printed directly onto fabric or over an under-print. Print-flash-print only. Cure ink at 320 F (160 C) entire film


Pigment Loading
Up to 10% with Wilflex PC or comparable
Up to 15% with Wilflex EQ or comparable
Up to 30% with Wilflex RIO / MX or comparable
Up to 15% with Rutland C3 Boosters or comparable

Fabric Type - 100% cotton, cotton blends, some synthetics
Mesh Count - 86-305 t/in (34-120 t/cm)
Mesh Tension - 25-35 n/cm2 
Squeegee Durometer: - 60/90/60, 60-70
Squeegee Blade - Square, Sharp
Squeegee Stroke - Hard flood, Fast stroke
Squeegee Angle - 10-15%
Stencil - 2 over 2, Off Contact: 1/16" (.2cm), Emulsion over mesh: 15-20% or 200-400 micron 
Flash Temperature - 220° F (105° C)
Cure Temperature - 320° F (160° C)
Storage - 65° F - 90° F (18° C - 32° C). Avoid direct sun. Use within one year of receipt
Cleanup - Dispose unused ink responsibly. Standard plastisol cleaners, press wash, or ink degradent


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