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FREE Screen Printing Exposure Calculator

In stock
FREE Screen Print Exposure Calculator


  • - Brand: Kolormatrix
  • - Product Code: FREE Screen Print Exposure Calculator
  • - Availability: In Stock

FREE Exposure Calculator.PDF:

Directions fpr Exposure Calculator.PDF:

FREE Screen Printing Exposure Calculator is available to buy in increments of 1

FREE Screen Printing Exposure Calculator  

Quick Start Guide
See Full Demo Video on Kolormatirx YouTube Channel

FREE DOWNLOAD - Click PDF icon at Top of the page under Title and Info, Download both Calculator and How to use Guide.

Now follow these simple steps.

#1 Print B&W Exposure Calculator onto film.

# 2 Select similar Light Source & Emulsion, to the types you use, from below and write the estimated time in Line #1

Use the chart below to select an estimated starting time for each of the 10 steps using the Exposure Calculator based on light source and type of emulsion., you are using.

7 Steps to Success in Screen Exposure

Enter time estimate from the list on left, for Light source and Emulsion Combination on Line #1.

Line #1—Enter time estimate :____________

1) Tape the Expo Calculator to your screen.

2) Expose the screen for the amount of time from LINE #1

3) Tape cardstock so that it is covering Row 1.

4) Expose again for the same amount of time from Line #1

5) Slide the cardstock up, one row at a time, so that it now COVERS Rows 1 & 2, expose again for same time.

6) Slide Cardstock up, Covering, 1,2 &3, and expose again, repeat until Row 10 is exposed.

7) Washout image area with water and Select the row with the clearest detail across all sections. 

8) Multiply the Row Number with Best Detail by the time from LINE #1 and that is Your Ideal Exposure time. (ie Row 6 was Best, Time Line #1 x 6= Exposure time.)

We recommend that you, do this for your different mesh counts, so that you have an exposure table with different times for varying white and yellow mesh counts.

Alternate Directions for Using Kolormatrix Exposure Calculator

1) Double how long you think iit will take for your screen to expose in seconds (ie. 120 Seconds)

2) Divide that time by 10. (ie. 120 / 10 = 12 seconds)

3) Tape this Expo Calculator to your screen, and Expose the entire film positive for the time from Step #2

4) Using Opaque Cardstock. COVER Row #1 

4) Expose the screen for the amount of time from Step 2.  (ie 12 seconds)

5) Slide the Cardboard UP, so that is covering Rows 1 & 2.

6) Expose again for the same amount of time. (ie 12 seconds)

7) Continue sliding the card board UP, covering one additional row at a time and exposing until Row 10 is exposed.

8) Washout image area with water and Select the row with the clearest detail across all sections. 

9) Multiply the Number of the Best Row by the number of seconds from Step 3 (ie 12 seconds)


More Information
Location 4345 Commerce dr sw atlanta ga 30336
Manufacturer Kolormatrix
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